High Security Fencing - Welded 358 Mesh Security Fence

Welded wire security fence is produced based on welded wire fence and adopted advanced technology. It is constructed with the specific primary purpose of discouraging people from entering or leaving an area.

  • The welded wire security fence also named 358 security fence for its panel mesh opening 3" × 0.5" × 8 gauge - approximate to 76.2 mm × 12.7 mm × 4 mm mesh opening.
  • 358 welded mesh panels are made of heavy mesh with a high level of security in width 2515 mm and a height of 2007 mm to 3302 mm.
  • Several panels can be installed on top of each other. Thus may be achieved a total height of 6300 mm.

WSF-01: Yellow 358 security fence

WSF-02: Black PVC coated 358 security fence

WSF-03: Security fence anti-cutting and anti-climbing

WSF-04: Security fence no toe or finger holds

WSF-05: The connection details of welded security fence panels and post

WSF-06: Security anti-climbing fencing gives a long lasting and secure perimeter protection with attractive appearance.

Welded security fence feature:
358 security mesh fence features anti-climbing, anti-cut, high strength, and durable. So, it also called anti-climbing fencing.
Penetration of welded wire is extremely difficult and time-consuming, allowing enough time for security personnel to locate and detain the intruder.

The fence types available:
Razor ribbon, razor tape, and razor coils with barbed wire and other deterrents are additional choices that can be added on to a perimeter security system, creating an intimidation factor with any would-be trespasser. For high security systems, many fence professionals also recommend utilizing additional fencing and interior partitioning products.

Welded security fence technology:

  1. This fence adopt consistently being updated, and makes security tighter than ever. Various security systems can use laser, infrared, microwave, or video technologies to scan, detect, and issue alerts upon intrusion.
  2. Vibration systems are also being mounted on perimeter fences, sending alerts when there is vibration, cutting, or climbing of the fence. 
  3. While it makes sense to think of keeping intruders out while designing a security system, it's also just as important to think about how to let qualified people inside.
  4. Access control systems can be as high-tech or low-tech as chosen. New bar-code readers and decal systems are proximity readers that can identify vehicles moving as fast as 25 miles per hour, scanning decals up to six feet away.

The fence benefits:
With access control technology widely switching to hands-free technology, the new systems are replacing former slot card readers or radio controlled "clickers," both of which can become jammed. Slot card readers are also easily vandalized.

Carefully planning and designing a security plan is assuring the safety of your property.

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Anping Enzar Metal Products Co., Ltd.
E-mail: samuel@enzarindustry.com

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