Rabbit Fence & Netting

Galvanised steel wire mesh netting ideal for installing rabbit fencing or rabbit proofing an already existing fence.

Key info:

  • British Standard rabbit-proof mesh size [31mm]
  • Corrosion and rust-resistant
  • Provided as a roll and simply unravelled
  • Lightweight and flexible
  • Easily cut and bent to shape

Full product details

Product Selection

Option Application
60 cm height Ideal to use at the bottom of an existing fence.
105 cm height The industry standard for a standalone fence
19g (1mm wire thickness) Standard protection against rabbits
16g (1.6mm wire thickness) Extra strong protection against particularly determined rabbits


Property Description
Material & Construction Galvanised steel, hexagonal fencing mesh. Hot dipped in protective zinc coating
Appearance Hexagonal apertures. Metallic grey, silver look
Handling Lightweight & malleable. Easy to cut & shape
Biodegradable No
Protecting exposed steel Rust may occur where new cuts are made if untreated steel is exposed. Protect with galvanised spray or paint
Not suitable for…


Attach to: Attach with:
Wood/ Wooden Posts Staples
Metal/ Metal Posts Cable ties
Soil Pegs
Wire Fence Cable ties

Installation Instructions

Rabbits are likely to wreak havoc on your vegetable garden so you need to work towards keeping them at bay. Please see step by step instructions in the PDF section below.

How to Install a Standalone Fence


How can I cut it?

The mesh is relatively easy to handle. However, we would recommend that you use side cutters and wear gloves to protect your hands.

Will I be able to shape it?

This mesh is not very rigid, so you will be able to shape it fairly easily into a tunnel, around a tree or any area that you want to protect from smaller animals.

Does it contain lead, will it contaminate the soil?

The galvanized coating is made of high purity grade zinc so you don’t have to worry – the netting will not contaminate the soil when coming in contact with it.

Common Uses

  • Rabbit fence
  • Rabbit runs
  • Chicken coops
  • Animal runs and enclosures
  • Boundary fencing
  • Tree guards/protecting trees from browsing animals
  • Plastering and rendering support
  • Insulation support between joists
  • Garden fencing
  • Plant climbing and support
  • Vegetable beds protection




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