L C FENCE INC is in the All Other Specialty Trade Contractors industry, has a $150,000 - $350,000 PPP loan from Independent Bank, and has potentially retained 28 jobs. This information is published by the U.S. Treasury and not SBA.COM® Any disputes on the accuracy should be directed to the U.S. Treasury or U.S. Small business Administration. SBA.com® is an independently owned and operated website and has no government affiliation. We offer information and services related to small businesses.

Loan Amount Range $150,000 - $350,000
Business Name L C FENCE INC
Address 928 S PEAK ST
DALLAS, TX 75223
NAICS Code [Industry] 238990 [All Other Specialty Trade Contractors]
Business Type Corporation
Race / Ethnicity Unanswered
Owner Gender Unanswered
Owner Veteran Unanswered
Is non-profit No
Jobs Retained 28
Date Approved 2020-04-12
Lender Independent Bank
CD TX - 30