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SKU: 1070

Concrete Mesh Roll 10Ga 5'X150' 6X6

Price: $160.00/ea
Quantity: Print

Quantity Available: 2

Users can request a quote for this product. Just add the item to your cart and click the Submit Quote button to get your quotation. Prices are subject to change due to market conditions and the website may not always reflect recent price changes. Please call the store to confirm pricing.
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" + this.LineNumber + "" + this.StoreProduct.Name + "" + this.Quantity + "
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Rebar & Mesh Products: Use this 5 ft. x 150 ft. Steel Mesh Roll to reinforce and provide strength to concrete slabs and to control cracking. The welded design offers improved reliability. Welded together in a square grid pattern and made from steel.

Users can request a quote for this product. Just add the item to your cart and click the Submit Quote button to get your quotation. Prices are subject to change due to market conditions and the website may not always reflect recent price changes. Please call the store to confirm pricing.



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